14 October 2010

Winter Come Soon

Ma's old man came out of the kitchen today. He never does that. Usually, if he acknowledges any of the people he cooks for at all, all we get is a dirty look through the glassless window he pushes the food through for Ma to take to the counter or our tables.

"Morning," I said to him. "You see any of those Chilean miners getting brought out of their hole on tv this morning before you came in to work?"

He looked at me the way philosophy students look at their professors. Total motherfucking comprehension. Then he said, "Yes. Very chilly. Winter come soon."


RossK said...

Here's something I cannot comprehend....

The slipper sneakers and black socks that Johnny has on his feet in the post's image

Nazz Nomad said...

Johnny wore that footwear alot.

Hey- Here's why I love Canada!!!!