15 October 2010


Mick Farren, over at Doc 40, likes to share pictures of Brigitte Bardot with the world. I like that. She was a teenage fave of mine. Mick is resting and I have fuck all to say today so here is a picture for all you motherfucking perverts and anti-sealer types.


Your driver said...

Odd, I had just sent something off to Farren when I received an electronic alert that a new issue of Dope City Free Press had hit the stands.
Did you know that you can't buy Newfoundland seal flippers at Whole Foods markets in California? What kind of a world are we living in?
She was pretty and all but she just doesn't speak to the pervert in me. Couldn't you find a picture of her wearing diapers?

Reality Chick said...

Hi and thanks for the link you have on your site to mine at http://truthnottasers.blogspot.com You may also want to add a link to another Canadian anti-taser blogger at www.excited-delirium.com (don't forget the "dash" in between excited and delirium) - he has brilliantly shredded every pro-taser argument that ever was. Have a nice day

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

The Dope City Free Press has never believed for one minute that tasers are anything but Torture Devices that have no place on this planet except the dungeons of consenting adults.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Some people, probably Californians mostly, say you can find anything in the internet. They are wrong. I cannot find a picture of Brigette Bardot in a diaper.

You can buy crack, smack and politicians in California, but you cannot buy seal flippers? When the war on drugs finally grinds to a fitting halt, seal meat and such will be the new darlings of the black market.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

By the way Jon, my new header page is a photo of Newfoundland's Table Mountains.

mollymew said...

I was never a fan of Bardot in my youth. So...if the photo is REALLY of Bardot in the days before the wrinkles I have spotted a dastardly plot.Bardot is really an underrcover Newfie who will expose the evil deeds of the animal rightists in her last days. How do I know ? Her leggings are bunched down around her ankles. An obvious Newfie. Don't worry. I could spot someone from my old home province by the fact that people from Saskatchewan wear their leggings on their arms. Or on their ears.