There is an intersection I drive through just about every day. Nothing special about it, just the usual people sitting in their car waiting to get going. The lights are timed just so and everybody knows it. There are sensors buried in the asphalt and everybody knows how they work. No fucking surprises.
That is, there would be no surprises except for the fucking government. Once or twice a year the engineering department re-sets the lights and the sensors for about a week. You would think the engineering department does this to see if they can get traffic going a little better even though they always re-set everything back to how it was in the first place. But I do not think that is what is going on at all.
I think what is really going is that I am paying a desk jockey or two to fuck the dog and purposefully accomplish nothing. That is just one of the reasons I say Fuck the Government.
Ok Beer, Just to clarify that I am not a lesbian,just jealous of that woman's buttocks.
So who-ever sent me the lusty note, sorry, but I dont swing that way...
And the other reasons?
They are many. I refer you to William Godwin's "Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, and its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness." Read the whole thing.
In modern times Tucson's Fred Woodworth, editor of THE MATCH!, spells out the many reasons why government is no good, no good at all. Send him a few bucks and ask him for a few copies. Better still, ask him for a copy of "Dream World."
I'm not like Godwin or Woodworth. They are smarter than me for one thing. I like the way they think.
It's good to like the way other people think.
Which, of course, is one of the problems with, say, twitter.
Lot's of liking, little thinking.
Twittering looks like it might be useful for practicing good short sentences. Hell, I have a hard time writing something Twitter length when addressing the comments I get around here.
By the way, I hear some people like reading the comments to this space better than they like to read what I write to begin with. That's cool with me. If I was running a newspaper and the letters to the editor were better than the journalism I was peddling, I would be all atwitter.
Don't know if you ever hung around Billmon's orginal 'Whiskey Bar'but the comment threads there were a fantastic cauldron of whirly-gigging (and I think the Bartender goosed the conversation incognito sometimes).
Anyway, I consider a good comment thread to be the real R&D of blogging.
And the sloppier they are the better...kind of like Keith Moon on drums.
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