24 March 2020

You Do Not Get To Choose Your Natural Disaster

Way back in 2005 when it seemed like a good idea to get the Dope City Free Press going I thought it possible I may one day write about my experience and observations of a big as fuck natural disaster. Like a 9.0 earthquake.

Instead I get an incurable fucking virus. An incurable fucking virus that half the fucking population does not give a fuck about.

Dope City indeed.


Danneau said...

I can only send wishes for recovery. I have no dope.

RossK said...

Are you OK Beer?


Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

As long as the liquor store stays open I’ll make it somehow. Going to work ain’t been the same since Ma locked up her cafe.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

On second thought I may be done for! Somebody start a Go Fund Thingy for old Beer. An hundred large should see me through this liquor store threatening nightmare.

RossK said...

Maybe you need to go get yourself a few cases of that artisanal distillery manufactured hand sanitizer to tide you over...
