7 October 2017

New and Improved Brand New Age

I have something of a reminder for everybody though it is a reminder primarily for the benefit of the foreign fuckers who (for some strange reason or another) repeatedly read the Dope City Free Press. By foreign, of course, I mean everybody who does not live in British Columbia except for those British Columbians who live up in the Peace River Valley or otherwise find themselves corrupted by the dark influence of neighbouring states such as Alberta, Washington, Alaska and North Korea.

For several months now we British Columbians have been governed by two new political parties: the social democratic NDP, who I am kin to, and the fucking Greens, the NDP's cuddly girlfriend. Thus far the ride the new government has been giving has been much more agreeable than the bestial ride we had been given for years by Social Credit Redneck Liberal Conservative Party of British Columbia. You all (collectively) really ought to consider or re-consider your political options next time you have the opportunity to do so.

It is that great.

I only hope these words survive the war we all know is glowing on the horizon.


Ray Blessin said...

The word "liberal" has MEANING!
A political party composed completely of Stephen Harper "Conservatives" may NOT call themselves liberals!

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Liberals. Conservatives. All schmucks to me.