4 April 2017


The Dope City Free Press would like to make clear the recent arrests of retail marijuana proprietors, their employees and associates is Fascist Bullshit. Anyone in my fat land can buy marijuana on the internet, by phone, on the street corner, in their high school, in their middle school, in their elementary school, in jail, in the bar, in the park, fuck - you can buy marijuana in a police station if you know who to talk to.

The DCFP has an idea for the Government of Canada - get fucking real.


Anonymous said...

Shh... They're clearing the decks for the corporistas when it's legalized.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Shh... They're behaving like gangsters.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Anybody can brew up enough beer for their own consumption but the majority don't. Witness the number of people buying beer at the last beer store before the campsite to see extreme examples of how much people like to do shit last minute and do it conveniently. As for me, even if I do not smoke it myself, I will grow some good shit just so I can put a big bowl of it out for rolling on social occasions.