16 December 2016

Never Going Back There Again

Thirty years ago I ate at Wendy's for the first time. Heaved my fucking guts out shortly thereafter.

I did not go back until last night. After our Christmas shopping was completed for the evening we were hungry. Sonja said, "I hear Wendy's fries are really good."

So we went. Sonja had some of their really good fries. I had a cheeseburger. Tasted really good.

Woke up this morning at 1:30 AM with violent diarrhea. Fucking Wendy's had tried to kill me again.

Never going back there again.



RossK said...

Ya, well...

You lived to write about it 43 minutes after the fact.

So there is that.


Chuckstraight said...

But they do a senior`s discount.