3 June 2016

Real Ale Fascists

I have a problem I share with you all. There are too many different kinds of beer.

I like both variety and quality when it comes to beer. Hell, I drank one or two of the first English revival ales 40 years ago.

But now every time I breathe a new brewery start up has set up shop. I would soon find my grave if I now tried to keep up, as I once did, with all this new fucking beer.

Also there is a trendiness to all these new beers and new beer people I find off putting. The Real Ale Movement is not a movement any more - it is just a bunch of yuppie motherfuckers cashing in on humanity's insatiable willingness to run, like hip fascists, in the same uniform as everybody else.


motorcycleguy said...

We were at the cabin last weekend. I was in charge of breakfast. I laid out a can of grapefruit beer (with a picture of a bicycle on it) for each of us. I wish my buddies knew how to spell "hip fascist", it would have been much more polite than what they actually called me. Not sure if it was more because they didn't get eggs Florentine or that they got funny beer.

Anonymous said...

You probably shouldn't klik on this link
