6 February 2016

Brad Kent - Punk Rock Guitar Hero

I do not keep up with one fuck of a lot of things. I do not read the papers hardly at all, I do not give a sawmill rat's ass about Facebook or any of its inbred cousins and television, as TV Smith once sang, is over.

I did read today of the death of Brad Kent thanks to Al MacInnis' score keeping (2nd from the top on your right). I had heard he was ill and had recovered but, as often happens, reversed course.

I remember Brad well from Dope City's rock 'n' roll's glory years. Best of all I remember Brad in his cut off lumberman playing guitar in DOA on the gob slick stage of the Bad Allah Cabaret. Such a guitar player! And he was having so much fun. That was the brief issue of DOA that has always been my favourite. Joe, Biscuits, Wilde and Cunt.

Second best of all was seeing Brad play in the Avengers. Motherfucking punk rock guitar hero he was.

Took a few turns in Rude Norton I witnessed as well. The only times I saw a Status Quo song ("Caroline") played live any where. Brad was as big a fan of Status Quo as I continue to be.

There are a lot of people saddened by Brad dying. He was a fuck of a nice guy.

But now he he is gone to where we are all going one day: tucked peacefully in the punk rock graveyard.

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