22 September 2015

The Master and His Student

Sunday night, a little before bedtime, I was sitting here drinking whiskey and looking forward to how much better that very same whiskey was going to taste each day winter gets nearer.

The television was on. Anthony Bourdain was visiting Miami. I was half watching the show and half reading the screen now again in my lap.

I knew I would be back in the sawmill the next morning. Happy as fuck to have a job. Just like you motherfuckers.

Then, to my great surprise, Iggy Pop's unmistakeable voice reached my ears all the fucking way from Miami. Turns out he hangs his hat there. Just about as far from Detroit Rock City as you can get.

It was The Master, Iggy, and his Grateful Student, Bourdain. A few minutes of magic you rarely see on television any more.

Look for the the Miami episode of Bourdain's show. Savour the whole hour and enjoy every second of Iggy near the show's conclusion.

God Save Iggy. God Save Rock 'n' Fucking Roll.

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