18 March 2012

Fifty Fucking Per Cent

Some of you dear readers must wonder how the fuck I can keep writing this shit without burning out, without getting bored with myself, as many do. The answer has been hit upon, with greater success,  by many people before me.

Like AC/DC, Motorhead and DOA I keep releasing the same record over and over. The songs remain the same: songs about Sonja, my dog, my family and a few other people I have been lucky enough to drink away my life with. Throw in the occasional rant about the insane industry I work in, which is presently exporting 50 fucking per cent of its coastal logging harvest overseas and to America, some political commentary when I think of it and there you have it.

Guess it helps that I refuse to live in anything but the present. Every moment of life its own sparkling fifty carat Canadian diamond; every individual on Earth sparkling or dull in their own unique way. That is how life presents itself when you have fucking near died and fucking well realised it sometime in your life.

Might as well write about it. The world has given me much and I have had the good fortune to live in a country that still permits me to act more or less freely. All I am doing here is returning the favour.

Fuck religion. Fuck the government. Fuck authourity. Fuck them all. This is the Dope City Free Press - the motherfuckers will never grind us down.


Anonymous said...

Fifty fucking per cent of our logs.
That's worth singing the blues about every single day.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Do I hear 60?

Anonymous said...

Most days you are the only honest man on the internet. Glad to hear you are not burning out.

Anonymous said...

nil iligitimi carborundum, Beer.