11 September 2010

Free Stuff At the Fair

Another thing I did at the Dope City Fair was make sure I got free stuff. There were three or four radio stations that had booths set up. I figured I should be able to get something good from at least one of them. Radio stations are always giving shit away.

Three of the stations had nothing better than pens, fridge magnets (never can have enough of those) and pins. They did have some great looking young women in their booths however. I talked to one named Jen.

"I'm an intern," she told me after I asked her what she did at the station. "I still have another year left at DCIT."

Jen had a big smile on her face the whole time she was talking to creepy old me. She had a sparkle to her you do not see much of any more. One day she is going to make her mark.

It was at the last radio station booth I visited that I hit pay dirt. The guy manning the booth was in rough shape. He was one of those radio guys who look like they have late stage terminal cancer. Too much, too soon. It was like looking in the mirror.

I small talked him for a couple minutes before I asked if he had anything to give me. He found me some stickers that are already on their way to the dump before he remembered something else he could give me and asked, "You want the new Colin James cd?"

Well, yeah.

It is damn nice record too. Old school Saskatchewan blues. Go fucking buy it.

Some time ago I believe I wrote about my encounter with James and his band in the bar at the Dope City Airport. James and his band were just plain pounded. They all had a gal with them who could suck knots out of a 4 x 12. I was impressed. You do not get that close of a look at rock 'n' roll very often.

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