5 April 2010

Down By the River With the Hammer Again

The Hammer found herself a new game to play. She chased a bird into a big maze of shrubs. Once inside the maze she discovered lots of little birdies that wanted to play with her. The Hammer zigzagged through the maze with her tweety little birdie buddies, ignoring my calls like my fucking government ignores the 21st century. I learned a little something new about my dog today. I am going to have to take her to a corn maze this fall. I get lost forever in mazes but it looks like the dog can handle one pretty good.

Not far from the shrub maze we walked by the river. There were lots of booms tied to the red steel pilings near the shore. Hemlock, fir and yellow cedar. Two sections of the many rafts of logs tied up were made up of big douglas fir saw logs. Every log was at least three feet across at the top. Some of them were better than four feet across at the bottom. Full of knotless, tight grain fibre from up the coast or over on the Island. Canada's west coast forest industry, gasping like an old porn star after a third take, refuses to die.

The tide was going out, going out fast too. A pile of shopping buggies, just visible above the water line when we first arrived, were soon in plain view. Shopping buggies are fucking ugly. When they get coated in slick river scum they look even worse - like a giant shopping buggie eating motherfucker had shit them there in a loud black tangle. Somebody needs to design and produce a shopping buggy that does not look like shit, something cool, something the Fonz would look good to pushing around.

Sonja was in some stores while we were goofing off by the river. When she came out of the store, swinging bags like a fisherman toting his daily limit, she told me, "It was all on sale!" Like I am going to tell her to take it the fuck back. If I did I would soon be down there in the swirling river with those shit shopping buggies.

On the way home we stopped by the racetrack to make a few bets. Connected with a few six and seven to ones. Hit a prime bet at 7/2. I sure hope my luck holds when the local track begins racing in a few weeks.

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