Sonja has been listening to CBC 2 for the last while. It is one of the few Dope City radio stations whose signal is not blocked by a church spire on its way to our house. She listens to it in the car too. Yesterday, on the way home from Punk Rock, CBC 2 was playing the Guess Who's "Share the Land." That is a good hippy shit song. The sentiment the song expresses sure is dated though. "Sell the Land" would be more like it today.
As the Guess Who were twirling their beads in the car radio I said to Sonja, "You realize CBC 2 is an old lady station?"
Sonja searched AM and FM for something better before she switched it back to the Guess Who. I sang along a little. "We're gonna live together/Talk about together now!"
"Maybe if we listen long enough they will play an Anne Murray song for you."
They did not. Playing Anne Murray used to be all the CBC was good for.
The Guess Who, for those of you who read this in countries not as cool as Canada, were better than the Beatles, better than the Stones and just about as good as Lynyrd Skynyrd in the days before we started arguing about just exactly how soon global warming is going to fuck up the world for good.
"for those of you who read this in countries not as cool as Canada"
...........Beer 2008
"Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party"
...........Robin Williams 2002
I haven't dropped an 'anonymous'in a while (word verification is a bitch when you're stoned)but sometimes you just make me grin wider than usual
Williams can spot party a thousand miles away with his eyes closed. Williams may have been censoring himself a little however. What he probably meant was, "Canada is a field of dope growing on top of a mountain of coke."
I dunno.
Radio 2 is not as old as it was two weeks ago.
Does S. have any favorites yet amongst the new line-up?
Sonja likes the weekday morning show best. She likes that the host is intelligent and manages just fine all by himself. Quite the contrast to when she wakes up on the weekends and has to listen to me.
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