30 December 2007

One Beer Led To Another

Sonja surprised me, like the Pakistanis would surprise me if they acted civilized, this Christmas. She gave me a laptop computer. It has taken me until today to get it working independently. Now I can write my bullshit from here in the kitchen like a real writer.

Once everything started working the way it was supposed to I got outside for a long walk with my dog. I had not been paying as much attention to her as I should due to the technical difficulties. The snow looked good halfway up the half-logged mountains; white as Anne Murray's ass.

I tied my dog up and stepped into a little place for lunch. I ordered grilled halibut, a salad and a Sleeman's honey lager from my waitress. The waitress wore black leather boots that went up to her knees. I reminded myself to have my doctor check my heart when I am in his office next. The beer tasted so good one beer led to another, etc. The waitress was from England. Her teeth were bad but the rest of her was alright. We watched the Hammer socialize with the people on the street. My dog knows how to use her body language with dogs to make friends but she could still use some work using her body language to make friends with people.

On our way home we met three homeless guys when the Hammer was running loose. One of the guys yelled at me, "Motherfucker! Is your mutt ok?" I assured him she was and my dog made friends with the threesome real quick. The Hammer loves the homeless.

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