8 December 2019

Meth, Hookers and Murder

I hear methamphetamine is making its much anticipated comeback in Dope City.

Probably a gateway drug will soon be identified for that shit.

Blame it on the fucking coffee shops I do.


RossK said...

....And/or the brisk nostalgia business for Jolt Cola.


Danneau said...

My neighbour's mother beat a crack habit, not without some damage (!) Apparently used to party in her daughter's present abode. Who knew? Mostly just beer, wine and whiskey this side of the fence. So many paths to destruction and death. Meanwhile, we have to ask ourselves whether John Mayall will join Keith Richards and Wille Nelson in the leather-skinned immortals club. Christ, I had go-rounds with his stuff while still popping pimples on Divisadero Street.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Gazz - I, it should surprise you not, was once a big fan of the might Jolt.

Danno- Mayall is setting an example for us all. Well into his 80s now and he is not slowing down.

RossK said...


Ya, I figured as much...Swillin' the Jolt on the way both to and from the mill?

And man, you all are both right about Mr. Mayall.


Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Gazz - had to know one’s corner stores’ inventory well to know where to my fix of the Jolt. A man may try but few can live on beers alone.