26 November 2017

Up On the Roof

I was up on the fucking roof again today. All the wind we have had this November has been repeatedly blowing one fuck of a lot of shit into my gutters.

Do not much care for heights. People fall off roofs. Everybody knows somebody who has had that experience. I find having a couple drinks of whiskey assists with my fears - including my fear of heights. So I had a couple (give or take a couple) before I climbed up the ladder.

I had cleaned all the moss off the roof during the summer but I found more of it growing up there than ever. I pulled out the biggest masses of the green shit but there was too much of it to clear off unless I was planning on spending all fucking day up there.

What I do like when I am up on the roof is the view. It is fucking great up there. Nobody sees you when you are up on the roof. I leaned on the chimney, drank from my flask and took it all in wishing I had a widow's walk so I could spend more time at such an advantageous elevation.

After that I got to the gutters. The usual mud, bugs and leaves - plus a surprise! There was a pair of scissors in the gutter. You never know what you will find in the gutter.

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