1 October 2017

Mahler's Symphony No. 9

I kind of like music.
I think music builds character.
The circle 'round the A.

Not God.
Not sports.
Not school.
Not government.

Not books.
Not films.
Not plays.
Not the fucking Internet.


*** *** * *** ***

Today while
Sonja was
Out I
Put on


When Sonja
Returned we
Left the
Television off

And listened.


ib said...


You prompted me to reflect on my own love hate relationship with Classical music. Usually it is Satie who does it best for me. Chopin at other times. Debussy at a push.

Those symphonies I find demand too much of me.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Listened to a long musically illustrated essay about Debussy on the radio the other day. Much about the influence of old timey Japanese music on the old boy. Sounded pretty fucking good to me. I shall further my listening to him.

Don't know Satie.

Classical music was not played in the Hockey house when I grew up. It was all about Elvis, Johnny Cash and Newfoundland sea shanties. My introduction to classical music came a little over 30 years ago when I first heard Philip Glass.

When I turned 40 my DNA turned me to country music; as I approach my last decade or two that same DNA has me buying tickets and taking the ride to the symphony.

Black leather, white tie, biker boots, Lohin MacKinnon, legal marijuana, Mahler and me.