She was right by the bed when I woke up. Like she knew I might not open my eyes without her, as ever, silent presence. I think I may be following the well trodden Osborne Path: to Insanity.
Heh Beer First time commenting, been following your blog for a few years now... Thanks you. I just about shit when I clicked on your blog, way to early yesterday morning, as I tried to shake the cobwebs as I prepared for another day of building road so you might get chance to use the fibre that the mega corp deemed not worthy of them.. I digress :)
As I was waiting for your page to load I thought that maybe it was time for you to change your home page picture even though I was glad that I didn't have to think about the picture of the Hammer that graced your page for so long. It always made me think of my passed dog.. (Which was actually a cat! but's that's a story for another day...) Did surprise the shit out of me to hear about your ghost visit... I too enjoy my visits with Stumper in my dreams... Thank you for your insights... Take care
Was thinking of the Hammer myself the other day when I ran across the tablature for 'Dope City Blues'. Played it and it was good.
Safe, indeed.
She was right by the bed when I woke up. Like she knew I might not open my eyes without her, as ever, silent presence. I think I may be following the well trodden Osborne Path: to Insanity.
Heh Beer
First time commenting, been following your blog for a few years now...
Thanks you.
I just about shit when I clicked on your blog, way to early yesterday morning, as I tried to shake the cobwebs as I prepared for another day of building road so you might get chance to use the fibre that the mega corp deemed not worthy of them.. I digress :)
As I was waiting for your page to load I thought that maybe it was time for you to change your home page picture even though I was glad that I didn't have to think about the picture of the Hammer that graced your page for so long. It always made me think of my passed dog.. (Which was actually a cat! but's that's a story for another day...)
Did surprise the shit out of me to hear about your ghost visit...
I too enjoy my visits with Stumper in my dreams...
Thank you for your insights...
Take care
Don't be silly.
No best friend of the canine variety would ever lead a man down such a path.
Occasionally, I still have dreams of my first dog as a kid. Going on almost 50 years ago now.
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