16 January 2017

La Casita Swiss Army Man Saturday Night

Should you be a fan of the peculiar, as I can be, and you have not watched the movie "Swiss Army Man" do so. Sonja and I watched it with Hunky Z and Kitty last night after we had each had dinner and a pitcher of Margaritas at La Casita (on Cordova) Saturday night. At one point or another during the first hour of the movie each of us begged one another to, "Turn the fucking thing off!" Yet we persisted with the movie to it's oddly satisfying end.

Was a time my favourite restaurant in Dope City was another Mexican place on Cordova called the Travellers. Miss that unpretentious joint to this day. Good to see it has finally been replaced by another just as fucking good.

I would not suggest you drink as much tequila and eat as much Mexican food as we did before you watch "Swiss Army Man" however. If I had to do it over I would have drank more tequila and not ate at all.

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