5 April 2013

Socialism, Some People Do Not Fucking Like It

Socialism, some people do not fucking like it.

Too fucking bad.


Socialism, when organized by people with soul, can do great things for people, for workplaces, for cities, for provinces, for countries, for the world.

This is the question that should be asked of BC's NDP of 2013. Have you got the soul required to lift us up the way Vision Vancouver has lifted up Dope City with their own little bit of happy planet soul?

I think they do and if I am right about that it may be the principal difference beween them and the soulless motherfuckers who have been doing little, if anything, but fuck us over for years.

We know Christy Clark has no soul. Have a look in her eyes. That soul got sold to Satan a long, long time ago. Does Adrian Dix? I expect he does because his present caucus and his able first time candidates nearly all have got it.

I will be on the lookout for it. If you have already seen first hand or anecdotal evidence of it let me know. It has been a while since we had a Premier with such an attribute.

A Premier with soul.

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