25 October 2010

Truly Wicked

All things truly wicked start from an innocence. - Ernest Hemingway

We are at all times beginning a journey or ending one. Sometimes you feel it more than others. Right in your motherfucking bones. I wonder if now is one of those times. Yes, it probably is.

I watched a show about Stonehenge on television last night as I sipped my absinthe, as I waited for a small poem to appear. That is what set me off thinking about the Big Picture. People 4500 years ago did not know about much else besides life and death and the big fuck festivals they held each summer and winter. The English, they knew how to live then. Farming and fucking, that was about it.

I see myself behind me. I see myself ahead. What is behind me is certain. What is ahead less so, except the final time I watch the Stanley Cup play-offs. Sonja says maybe I should not see myself at all. "You ought to get out and volunteer more like you did before we went to war." She is probably right, and maybe I will, but I have never been the most earnest listener of women. Things were different before those motherfucking Afghanis pissed everybody off and we had to go in there, do some killing, do some dying, do some covering up.

I was listening to Sneaky Pete Rizzo on WDVX-FM last night. He was sitting in the studio, singing and playing his guitar in Knoxville, Tennessee. You could hear the people with him in the studio laughing their guts out in the background. As I was. He was so god damn funny I fucking near puked.

Well, I do not play the guitar and I do not write funny songs and sing them on the radio. I go to work, do my shit, take my dog out, even when the weather is bad. Before or after I eat I try and write a little. I like to make myself laugh when I can. Ain't no Sneaky Pete in my office singing songs about lightning bugs and such.

Of course, the best thing about the future is its uncertainty. Like when I just opened up Jello Biafra's new record and discovered the poster and lyric sheet inside. There is a quote printed on it from Dayana Mendoza, Miss Universe 2008. "Guantanamo!!! It was an incredible experience. I didn't want to leave, it was such a relaxing place, so calm and beautiful. We visited the Detainees camps and we saw the jails, where they shower. We also met the military dogs, and they did a very nice demonstration of their skills. All the guys from the Army were amazing with us."

My joy in the uncertainty of the future is now coupled with the joy I am not in the running to be Miss Universe any time soon.

"Traveler, there is no path,
Paths are made by walking."

- Antonio Machado, with thanks to E. Annie Proulx for re-focusing my attention on this wisdom.


Rick said...

The Afghans didn't do anything to anybody, we(our Government) are the ones causing the harm.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

On the contrary, the Afghans, or to be more precise, their government representatives we know as the Taliban, pissed off a lot of people. That does not mean it is right or wrong to stick our noses hopelessly into their country. But when you start blowing up non-moslem religious sites, attacking foreign embassies, foreign warships and foreign soil you are sure as shit pissing people off. Oftentimes that is all it takes to get yourself invaded.

Rick said...

You have the CIA operative BinLaden confused with the Taliban. The Taliban did none of what you stated except for some religious sites in Afghanistan. They refused to allow a pipeline and the US along with our bootlick Government invaded them for that reason.
The Taliban also stopped the opium production which of course the occupiers have got back into full production.

Nazz Nomad said...

I couldn't read anything you wrote because I blinded myself with jizz after seeing the girl in the posted picture.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Rick: I know enough about the politics of heroin and oil, which are about as evil as any other political sphere, to concede there just might be the slightest chance that 9-1-1 was an inside job. That said, I will eat shit on dry toast if such an insanely criminal act as that is ever proven to my satisfaction. So far there seems to be plenty of reasonable doubt about that possibility. But what do I know? I work in a sawmill not the Supreme Court.

Nazz: She is something else! Only the CIA could have put together a woman like that.

Rick said...

I am but a truck driver turned gardener. Just would like to see the Supreme Court actually uphold the Law of the land not just against us peons but the elites also. I know it's a wild fantasy but I hope and maybe if enough people get on board the 100 monkey thing might kick in.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

I hear you. Things do get worse and when it comes to the rich getting away murder and rest of us not being able to afford to pay a seat belt fine nevermind anything more serious we might get nailed for and we are getting nailed right to the floor.