30 September 2010

Bloodied But Unbowed on Tv

Watched "Bloodied But Unbowed" on the television last night. When it was over and Sonja and I were between the sheets, she asked me, "Why didn't you do heroin like all those other wasted motherfuckers?"

Had to think about that one. "You know me Sonja: I have always preferred a slow death to a fast one."

The scenes of the crowd reminded me that being a punk rocker in the golden age of rock 'n' roll was like playing in a bouncy castle except there was no bouncy castle.


Your driver said...

I don't think that's gonna make it to TV in the states. Too bad. I had already checked out the heroin scene before punk. I thought it sucked. Then again, for years I was pretty self righteous about my status as a juicer. I mean, at least I wasn't a fuckin' drug creep. Then I realized that beer worked pretty good for me. It didn't work that good on some people. I finally had to admit it was just a matter of taste.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

What we saw up here on tv was 20 minutes shy of the 75 minute dvd version you might be able to buy some place if I got the story straight. (see Alienated In Maple Ditch in the Fellow Motherfuckers sidebar)

Luckily for Western Civilization, my band, The Mr. Beer N. Hockey Experience, only ever made it out of the garage to puke in the alley.

RossK said...

While the MrB'NHE may never have made it past the alley....

I'm pretty sure there must be....





Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

We listened to the tapes of ourselves a few years after the band packed it in. Much to our surprise we sounded very much like Discharge, who were sort of popular at the time, and bands like them. Subtle as daisy-cutters we were.