28 July 2010

Outlaw Town

To water one's lawn in my town,
Even a little,
This summer and
For many summers to come,
is to be an outlaw.
You could even get your
Water supply cut off
If you keep on watering.
Having too many broken down
Cars in your yard
Makes you an outlaw too.
A bad neighbour.
City council was talking
About it last night.
The by-law officer has probably
Had his eye on my car for years.
Rust never sleeps, motherfuckers.
Growing dope in my town
Makes you an outlaw as well.
City council was talking
About that last night too.
They are shit-mad about it
But they look defeated,
As they are,
As they should be.


mollymew said...

Let's see now. If you pull out your garden hose to go and water the dope plants that you are growing in the old car out back you are the baddest of the bad.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

You just described the Kootenays.