11 March 2010

Today Your Love, Tomorrow My Yacht

If everyone else is going to keep going on and on about the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, why shouldn't I? Now the Games have been over and done with for a couple weeks we all ought to have gained some perspective over the event, re-forgotten the words to the national anthem and re-trained our focus on what the fuck is the matter with the Sedins.

As I look back on the Games, there is one matter that keeps returning to my mind, besides wondering where my country is going to get enough great hockey players to keep on winning gold medals when half our country is no longer of European descent: I sure would like to see our gold medal ice dancers fucking. I know I never will, but I sure would like to see them making the beast with two backs. If I was a rich, rich man like Jim Pattison I would have already offered them a few million to come aboard my yacht and put on a good sweaty fuck show.


Your driver said...

" wondering where my country is going to get enough great hockey players to keep on winning gold medals when half our country is no longer of European descent",
Here in the land o' the free we white people have given up on playing sports. We just embarrass ourselves when we try.
Also, while live shows are still not available for most of us, if we want to follow our athlete's sex lives, we turn to page 3 of the sports section. There's usually more details available than I really want to know.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Have the East Bay Dragons taken over the the curling rink?

Your driver said...

The East Bay Dragons completely dominate the bay area curling scene. Their sexual misadventures are all over page three. The Minnesota immigrants who formerly dominated Bay Area curling have taken up quilting.