I do not drink one fuck of a lot of wine. Wine, too often, makes me vomit after a couple bottles or more. Beer and whisky are what I like.
Tonight though it is wine that is fucking me up. Opened the bottle after I had a few beer. Was a time I could not mix beer and wine. Could not keep the shit down.
Sonja and I try to stash bottles of wine, downstairs with the wolf spiders, of what we like until they age some. Mostly we collect British Columbia wines. We can do more around here than grow the world's best dope. Tonight I opened a bottle of '99 Velletri. Italians are handy with wine, corrupting politicians and collaborating with the motherfucking Nazis.
Come to think of it, British Columbians are beginning to fit the exact same profile. My old pal Godwin was fond of the concept of Truth and Goodness prevailing. Looks to me like Lies and Wickedness are the lead jammer in our west coast roller derby world.
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