4 February 2008

Dream Chicken

I dreamed last night I was preparing a fresh chicken for dinner in my kitchen. The chicken lay there on the cutting board cold, headless and pink as the next President of the United States of America. Except it was still breathing and it would not stop.

That was one tough motherfucking dream chicken.


Your driver said...

I just dreamed that I, and everyone I know, was about 20 years old and we all lived in the same house. We kept trying to have fun, but there was something we couldn't quite figure out. Secretly, we were really very unhappy and anxious. It was a lot like being 20 years old. (for me) No poultry problems.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

That's better than dreaming about living in a coop full of 20 year old secretly unhappy, anxious chickens.

Your driver said...

There are two little old hens that roost outside my bedroom window. They are my landlord's pets. I'm sure they're a thousand hen years old. I don't know if they're unhappy and anxious, but they take themselves very seriously.