16 December 2007


There were two main reasons why I bought a house in the neighbourhood I live in. Reason number one was its proximity to several bars and liquor stores. The liquor stores are all still there and the Christian sluts who run my town have only closed down one of the bars so things are still ok on the convenient booze front. The loss of one bar has been more than made up for with the increased presence of everyone's favourite street drugs: heroin, crack and speed.

Reason number two for my choice of neighbourhood was a grocery store within easy walking distance. Sometimes when I am drinking beer I get a craving for peanuts. I like to be able to take the dog for a quick walk to get my peanuts so I can start thinking about my beer again. Being able to walk and get my peanuts for my beer made for a safer neighbourhood than is now the case. Now when I am drinking beer and I want some peanuts I drive to the peanut store.

Bring back the peanut store before I crash my car.

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