22 May 2006

69 Mile House Free Press

Got the latest on Henrik's family last night on the telephone making arrangements for a future fishing trip.

Leif, Henrik's youngest, has been promoted at the sawmill he began working at a year back. Us older sawmill workers never like to hear about anyone we know spending their precious time in one but it sounds like he is doing ok. The economy around 69 Mile House is roaring like Edmonton Olier fans for the time being. Leif's girlfriend, given the unlikely name of Comfort, remains unpregnant. Being the youngest, she was the only one to nearly choke on her vomit at a recent party celebrating the success of the local hockey team.

Chelsea, Henrik's oldest, is doing great in university. Sonja and I pushed her, unsuccessfully, down that road years ago. Now that she is at it and to it there is no telling where she will end up. She sent us a pile of photos of her animal friends partying like John Belushi. A golden rule in Canada is to spend as much of your student loan on beer as possible. Several breweries in this land of over priced gasoline would be as long gone as the Winnipeg Jets without the money government spreads across our retching land like a Bad Santa.

Handsome Nils Manitoba has wrapped his hockey carreer. He too is sawmilling. His girlfriend is the daughter of the mayor in the small town he lives in now. Every girl's dad's dream is to have a hockey player for their daughter to aim into the world like a slapshot into the top corner. Henrik tells me Nils took on three guys at a party without getting a scratch. I hope he thinks it is worth it when, inevitably, someone gets the better of him.

Henrik's wife Ingrid is doing great. Sounds like there is a promotion in store for her very soon also. She has the evil confidence of a mother who has succeeded at her mothering.

Henrik, too, has the evil confidence of the successful parent. His only worry is contract negotiations which have gone easy for the government parasites around Dope City but difficult for those of us creating wealth and community in the private sector.

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