Not far south of where I drink my beer a man killed half a dozen people, shot up or stabbed a couple more. It happened in America but Americans who live just the other side of the border are much like Canadians - they just drink weaker beer and wish Canadian dope could be smuggled across the border as easily as in the days before the border tightened up some.
Straight away the reason given for the murderous spree was that the shooter was mentally ill. The guy is crazy as the buggers who flew those planes into the World Trade Centre.
I have another theory I cannot as yet substantiate. The shooter was brought up a little too Religiously. The Bible makes you crazy. It's true. Just about every mass killer there is fits the same profile. Once you believe one word in a Holy Book you never know when you will start believing the voices in your head telling you to, "KILL EVERYONE NOW!"
This is true. In Charlie's case it probably had something to do with the sustained wire coat hanger beatings, too...
Great picture, incidentally.
I have had Charlie on my mind after hearing Alice Cooper (on his syndicated radio show) talk about how heavy the LAPD came down on the hippies after Manson and some of his happy family were arrested for several murders.
I figure one of the worst possible reasons to get religion is to have if finally, once and for all, settled in your mind that you are right. After that, anything is possible. I used to want to be right, but everything that followed upon my ascension to rightness seemed not quite right. I'm getting over it, right now. Another bad reason to get religion is being scared of things you don't understand. Personally, i like to think I've gotten a very small amount of religion because, ultimately, I have no hope of understanding a lot of stuff, and I kind of like it that way. If you give it enough time, most things will sort themselves out. After a while, that stops working and you die. It's a fucking miracle.
I have had his CD, "The Lie & Terror Cult" for some years now, after hearing it originally at some point in the 70s.
I considered posting a couple of tracks on occasion, but I'm not so sure I like the idea of giving him publicity now that I have slipped into old farthood. 'Man is crazy as a loon.
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